Cultiver le Citron niçois en décembre


The lemon tree, also known as the *Citrus Limon, is a fairly easy tree to grow for its delicious fruit. Originating from the Northwest of India, it was introduced to Europe by the Arabs around the 1st century CE. Lemon trees need a lot of sun and warmth and can usually be grown in pots outdoors in regions with mild winters, or indoors in colder climates.

Conditions for Growth

Lemon trees require a lot of sunlight – place them somewhere that gets a lot of direct sun. They also need rich, sandy soil that's well-drained and fertile. Make sure the soil has a slight acidity and is always fresh. The ideal temperature range for lemon trees is between 18ºC and 25ºC.


Lemon trees can be grown from seeds, but it's also possible to buy young plants. If you want to grow them in pots, use containers that are at least 40cm deep and wide and ensure the pots have holes in the bottom for drainage. Before planting, prepare the soil by mixing it with sand and well-rotted compost. Place the young plant in the pot and fill the rest of the space with soil. If you're planting the tree outside, dig a hole that's twice as wide and deep as the root ball and add some gravel or broken pottery to the bottom for drainage. Cover the roots with soil and water the tree well after planting.



Lemon trees require regular watering, especially during hot and dry periods. Make sure the soil is always slightly humid but

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