Cultiver l’Oca du Pérou au Printemps

Spring Cultivation of Oca from Peru

The Oca from Peru, also known as 'truffette acide' in French, is a plant that can grow up to 0.5m high and is a good addition to your garden. It has an interesting look, with leaves that resemble clover and tubers that come in a variety of colours. It's a fairly low-maintenance plant that's easy to grow and can be ready for harvest around 8 months after planting.

Growing Requirements

Oca requires a decent amount of sunlight, and rich, well-drained soil. It's best to plant Oca in April or May, after the frost season, in soil that's been well-amended with compost. Space the seeds about 35cm apart and 5cm deep. If you want to get a headstart, you can also plant them indoors in pots during March.
For the most productive harvest, make sure to water the plants regularly, especially in warmer weather. Also, remember to hoe the soil around the plants when they reach around 15cm in height. This method, known as 'hilling', helps to keep the roots cool and encourages the formation of more tubers.

Post-Planting Care

Like most plants, Oca benefits from a layer of mulch to help retain moisture in the soil during the warmer months. In the colder months, especially around October and November, it's important to protect the plants from frost by covering them with a voile or tunnel. Remember to protect the roots from frost by adding an insulating layer of straw or similar around the base of the plant.

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Harvest and Storage

The plants will usually be ready for harvest around November, once the above-ground parts of the plant have withered. Use a fork to extract the tubers from the soil and leave them out in the light for a week to reduce their acidity. They can then be stored in a cool, dark place such as a cellar, or in